The United Way of Sarnia-Lambton campaign has surpassed $900,000 and now sits at 65 per cent of its $1.4 million objective.
The United Way of Sarnia-Lambton campaign has surpassed $900,000 and now sits at 65 per cent of its $1.4 million objective.
“We have $500,000 to reach the goal, and we are expecting the Nova Chemicals’ employee campaign results any time now,” said campaign chairperson Vicky Ducharme. “The Nova campaign wrapped up this week, which is the second largest campaign in our region,” she said. Ducharme said indications look like the campaign finished well above the 2022 levels, and those results are sure to raise the United Way achievement so far to more than $1 million.
Imperial employees and annuitants also wrapped up this week, and their results were added to the campaign while the fundraising was taking place. They, too,........