John Boston | Fortine’s SSA# & Bodice Pals on Facebook |
So it’s no big secret. I’m on Facebook. I keep up with the goings-on of old and dear high school chums, former workplace clock watchers and Democrat amigos with their childishly Photoshopped images of Donald Trump as the entire Third Reich, Spanish Inquisition and “Season 3: Dancing With The Stars.”
My FB pal-base isn’t growing any younger. Nor, interesting. Splashed before me are web images of brownie-stained great-great-grandchildren, AARP’s latest turbo-charged motorized walker, team photos of the SCV Diverticulitis Club bent over at Newhall Park and, my personal favorite, the Maimed Limb Photo Op. That’s where an acquaintance shares how, during a hike in Placerita Canyon, his foot was gnawed off by a grizzly.
This posting starts a Comment War that there are no grizzlies in Santa Clarita, never were, never will be, then, the ping-pong back-&-forth of “You’re Stupid” and “I Know You Are But What Am I?” The to-infinity answer to the latter question? “Stupid …”
What gives me the willies about these grisly Hiking In Nature war-wound photos is not so much the graphic nature of seeing a foot sticking out of one’s left ear. What’s disturbing is my invisible FB friend on the trail, the one who wasn’t eaten by a bear. Instead of sprinting for help or wrestling said ursus horribilis, the FB addict takes the time snapping several hundred photos of their beloved walking companion being eaten by a Placerita Canyon bear — Grizzly, Teddy, Polar or otherwise.
“HELP ME! GRAB MY BELT AND MAKE A TOURNIQUET BEFORE I BLEED TO DEATH!!!!” screams the mauled victim in the Facebook video.