Royce White, MAGA's favorite Minnesota Senate candidate, repeatedly failed to pay child support

Royce White, a candidate for U.S. Senate in Minnesota endorsed by the state GOP and beloved in right-wing internet circles, missed at least a half-dozen court-mandated child support payments between 2020 and 2023, court records show. According to NBC News, White was twice found in contempt of court, and threatened by one judge with a 180-day jail sentence if he didn't pay up.

White, who has accused the family court system of being unfair to men, claimed that he is current on his child support obligations "as of today."

"My arrear just stems from a time when I was court-ordered to pay child support and back child support on an NBA salary," he said in an interview with NBC News. "That's how I got behind. And the interest rates are so high that........

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