What the Manhattan jury weighing the case against Donald Trump makes of adult film star and director Stormy Daniels’ testimony this week could hinge on societal perception of “lying women,” according to a leading feminist legal theorist and former Manhattan prosecutor.

“All of us are shaped by a culture that casts accusers as unreliable sources of information,” Deborah Tuerkheimer, also a professor at Northwestern Law, told Salon.

Tuerkheimer, the author of the book “CREDIBLE: Why We Doubt Accusers and Protect Abusers,” said female caricatures such as the gold digger seeking fortune above all, or the scorned woman seeking revenge, or the regretful woman ruing consensual sex, are ubiquitous.

“The ready availability of certain stock representations of lying women makes it easy for us to disbelieve,” Tuerkheimer wrote in her book.


On Thursday, Daniels faced additional cross-examination by Trump’s defense team and a round of questions from prosecutors — with the defense seeking to portray Daniels as having entirely made up the story of the sexual encounter on the basis of her salacious background, her efforts to make money off the tryst and her animus toward Trump.

Trump’s defense lawyer Susan Necheles questioned Daniels at length about alleged discrepancies in various accounts of her 2006 sexual encounter with Trump in his Lake Tahoe hotel suite.

“You made all this up, right?” Necheles asked Daniels, according to The New York Times.

Daniels responded: “No.”

Daniels recounted her story of the tryst in her memoir and numerous interviews, dating back to a 2011 interview for In Touch magazine.

She’s repeatedly said that Trump appeared in pajamas, and that the two did not eat in the hotel room even though she was invited for dinner.

But Necheles questioned why Daniels would have described the episode as “dinner” if they never ate, and why Daniels has said Trump was watching television when she entered his suite.

"Your words don’t mean what they say, do they?” Necheles asked Daniels

According to The New York Times, Necheles pointed to Daniels writing in her memoir that she made Trump her "b*tch" at the start of the 2006 encounter, in contrast to Daniels’ testimony Tuesday that she felt intimidated by Trump.

“You’re trying to make me say it’s changed, but it hasn’t changed,” Daniel said later, defending her account to Necheles.

As part of the defense’s effort to impugn Daniels’ credibility and background, Necheles also pointed to Daniels’ work in the porn industry and her work as a medium.

And Necheles honed in on the idea that Daniels is lying to extort Trump for money and fame, pointing to her merchandise lines.

Daniels in turn defended her ventures: “Not unlike Mr. Trump.”

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Daniels also defended her tweets insulting Trump, pointing out that he called her names like “horseface” first.

Daniels insisted she wanted to get her story out – even as Necheles questioned her about why she earned nearly $100,000 and kept her story quiet from 2016 to 2018.

Trump is charged with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records, with prosecutors saying that audio recordings, internal business records and witness testimony prove he was scheming to kill damaging stories ahead of his 2016 campaign in violation of state and federal election law and state tax law.

Each count is punishable by up to four years behind bars. Trump denies those charges, as well as the affairs.

New York Law School professor Anna Cominsky, the director of the school’s Criminal Defense Clinic, said despite all the focus on the particulars of Daniels’ account, jurors will be asked to focus on whether Trump falsified business records to cover up a damaging story and boost his election bid in violation of election and tax laws.

“She's necessary from the standpoint of – if they're saying that there was a conspiracy to unlawfully affect the election, that's the underlying felony and why the business records were falsified,” Cominsky said. “If they're saying that's the underlying crime, they have to have some facts to support that crime.”

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Cominsky said Daniels’ importance comes down to explaining Trump’s motivation for the alleged scheme. Daniels’ lawyer Keith Davidson in an audio recording said Daniels was worried she’d lose leverage for a payout if Trump lost the 2016 election as she presumed he would.

“And so part of that is painting the picture as to: Why would Trump do this right?” Cominsky said. “Why would he want to keep this under wraps, and she provides the why, right? This is embarrassing. He was cheating on his wife, supposedly. And then also, how will the public view all of this right? The voting public, that's the prosecutors theory. And the only person that can provide that part of the story is her.”

Cominsky said she’s not sure how the defense’s strategy will work with jurors.

“We've seen sort of through the cross examination, that the defense is trying to make her out to be a liar,” Cominsky said. “And I'm not sure how effective that's going to be with the jury. And I'm not really sure why that matters, because she knows nothing about the documents that are at the heart of this case.”

Cominsky said the defense’s strategy of “making everyone look like a liar” could strain credibility with the jury.

“At a certain point, the jury's gonna say, ‘Yeah, I don't buy that every single person involved was the liar,’” Cominsky said.

Read more

on Trump's criminal trial

"This is embarrassing": Law professors skewer Trump lawyer's "lying women" defense

"This is embarrassing": Law professors skewer Trump lawyer's "lying women" defense

What the Manhattan jury weighing the case against Donald Trump makes of adult film star and director Stormy Daniels’ testimony this week could hinge on societal perception of “lying women,” according to a leading feminist legal theorist and former Manhattan prosecutor.

“All of us are shaped by a culture that casts accusers as unreliable sources of information,” Deborah Tuerkheimer, also a professor at Northwestern Law, told Salon.

Tuerkheimer, the author of the book “CREDIBLE: Why We Doubt Accusers and Protect Abusers,” said female caricatures such as the gold digger seeking fortune above all, or the scorned woman seeking revenge, or the regretful woman ruing consensual sex, are ubiquitous.

“The ready availability of certain stock representations of lying women makes it easy for us to disbelieve,” Tuerkheimer wrote in her book.


On Thursday, Daniels faced additional cross-examination by Trump’s defense team and a round of questions from prosecutors — with the defense seeking to portray Daniels as having entirely made up the story of the sexual encounter on the basis of her salacious background, her efforts to make money off the tryst and her animus toward Trump.

Trump’s defense lawyer Susan Necheles questioned Daniels at length about alleged discrepancies in various accounts of her 2006 sexual encounter with Trump in his Lake Tahoe hotel suite.

“You made all this up, right?” Necheles asked........

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