Archives: February 2024


Reason Staff | From the February 2024 issue

"Civil libertarians have no love for [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] or the surveillance state, but facial recognition technology is likely here to stay. If Amazon won't sell it to law enforcement, someone else will. Haranguing any one company in hopes that it won't provide services that are perfectly legal only delays the inevitable, without addressing the fact that we need more oversight over how law enforcement agencies use surveillance technology."
Declan McCullagh
"Deplatforming Is a Dangerous Game"

"Arrogant, abusive, incompetent, and expensive, the [Transportation Security Administration] is, in the words of the House Appropriations Committee, 'seemingly unable to make crisp decisions.…unable to work cooperatively with the nation's airports; and unable to take advantage of the multitude of security-improving and labor-saving technologies available.' The attacks of September 11, 2001, changed many things, but they did not make the federal government more competent or........
