Are Parents Too Involved in Their Adult Children's Lives?

Free-Range Kids

Lenore Skenazy | 2.16.2024 3:58 PM

"Parents Are Highly Involved in Their Adult Children's Lives, and Fine With It," declared the front page of The New York Times on February 9. "New surveys show that today's intensive parenting has benefits, not just risks, and most young adults seem happy with it, too."

Is that true, though? Perhaps it depends on what you consider "intensive."

The article discussed a recent Pew Research Center survey that included a rather large swath of young adults—people between the ages of 18 and 34, everyone from high school seniors to working stiffs googling "gum pain." Separately, it surveyed parents of people that age.

One of Pew's key findings was that "parents are very involved in their young adult children's lives." It judged this in part by the fact that 73........
