Can Money Buy You Love? It Depends What You Buy

Sure, we all know that love is not for sale, and that the most valuable gifts in life are free. But in certain circumstances, as a token of affection, encouragement, and support, a small material gift can be priceless. Research explains.

Holly S. Howe et al. (2024) in a piece aptly entitled “Money Can Buy Me Love,” investigated how gifts can be a more effective type of social support than conversations.[i] In seven studies, including one involving in-person gifting, they found that bestowing a small material gift such as flowers or a candy bar was more effective in improving the affect of the receiver than having a supportive conversation with a close other. They explained that apparently, in contrast to conversations, gifts are perceived as more receiver-focused because they are done solely to benefit the recipient. They explain that the difference in perceived sacrifice results in gifts being more successful in encouraging emotional recovery than........

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