I’ve always winced internally when a couple in my office referenced their “love languages.” So, it was with more than a smidgen of pleasure that I read an article in The Washington Post that explained why scientists are skeptical of the theory.
So many people helped! So many books sold! So many millions of dollars harvested! It must be real, right? Nope. This idea is one in a long line of phony notions that grew out of a deal with the devil made between religion on the one hand and science on the other.
If you’re unfamiliar with Baptist pastor Gary Chapman’s book, The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts, here’s a breakdown:
People who are capable of giving and receiving love are fluent in all five languages as well as the gazillion other ways people express love, such as quiet support, treating one another respectfully, standing up for one another, and even flirting without touching. The........