The 9 Challenges Couples Are Most Likely to Face

New love is abundant with resources. The partners in a new relationship make it their primary priority. In this blissful state, they cannot imagine anything they cannot overcome and believe that nothing will change the way they feel about each other. Their souls feel joined and their individual resources blend perfectly.

Every partnership is different, and resources of time, availability, finances, and outside support are more plentiful for some than others. In times of challenge, those couples that have access to that abundance do have a better chance of success, yet many couples more devoted to each other no matter what they face. The key is being ready and clear as to how to navigate those hard times together, keeping the relationship intact in the present and more resilient in the future.

Following are 9 of the most common challenges a couple will face.

1. Attraction to Others. Many people feel that, once they’ve chosen their long-term partner, they will never be attracted to another person. That is a dangerous fallacy. Many people have loved before and can love again if a relationship doesn’t work out. New possibilities always tempt and threaten but partners who love each other are not willing to risk taking advantage of them because their relationship is more important. They can talk openly about an........

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