Why Gay Men Collect Barbie Dolls

In the world of collecting, passions often run deep and defy conventional expectations. That’s a good thing, or else I don’t think I’d have a job as a geek therapist and toy analyst. On the other hand, I also wouldn’t have found a wonderful community of toy collectors worldwide. One such fascination that has intrigued clinicians, theorists, marketing departments, and collectors alike is the affinity that some gay men have for Barbie dolls. It might seem unconventional or even paradoxical, but a closer and more affirming examination reveals a complex interplay of personal identity, intersectionality, diversity, cultural influence, and psychological factors.

Let's be clear: No theory can speak for a whole population of people. Yet, after 6 years of research, podcast interviews, and consulting for toy companies and innovation departments, one thing is clear: Barbie is for everyone. For many gay men I’ve interviewed or supported in therapy, collecting Barbie dolls represents a celebration of identity and a connection to a formative part of their childhood. Barbie, with her ever-evolving fashion sense, insurmountable amounts of money and ever-evolving careers, serves as a symbol of aspiration and possibility. Psychosocially, often isolated or fearful of growing up with a Queer identity, men might have found solace and inspiration in Barbie's world, which often provided a safe space for exploring creativity and self-expression. Also, speaking for myself, the pink convertible and queer-coded Ken, with his magic earrings and chiseled chest didn’t hurt........

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