When It's Over

The decision to end a committed intimate-partner relationship is often difficult and distressing and comes after great efforts to make it work. Amid feelings of disappointment, resentment, anger, uncertainty, and grief, managing the practicalities at the end of a relationship is hard to do well. But the better we handle the the period following a breakup, the easier it will be for us to minimize its pain and suffering and rebuild our lives.

Minimizing post-breakup pain and suffering

In relationships with a history of violence, there is a heightened risk of abuse after the relationship ends. Safety is the top priority, and removal from harm is the only way forward. But in the aftermath of most breakups, we can choose to move forward with compassion, take steps that minimize hurt and harm, and leave both parties able to move on.

Setting intentions

At the end of a relationship, people often become emotionally fragile and quick to anger. They may lash out, blame, and shame their former partner. It is important to set intentions to treat your former partner as you would like to be........

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