3 Signs That You're Going Through an "Emotional Divorce"

An “emotional divorce” refers to when a couple, although still legally married, experiences a significant emotional separation. This situation often precedes a legal divorce but can also occur independently.

In an emotional divorce, partners become increasingly emotionally disconnected from one another, leading to a lack of intimacy, communication, or mutual support. Couples may live together but lead separate lives, with little to no shared activities, goals, or interests.

In the process of an emotional divorce, research shows that a couple can experience fear, relief, sadness, anger, hope, or even personal growth in varying degrees, often based on who initiates the divorce.

A 2023 study found that emotional divorces can also be associated with alexithymia—a difficulty in identifying and connecting with one’s emotions—and possibly depression. These mental health impacts on both individuals and their marriages highlight the importance of catching the signs early and addressing them before they escalate.

Here are three signs of an emotional divorce:

A study published in March on late-life divorces found that emotional divorces often set in long before formal ones. Based on the participants’ experiences of growing apart while still married, a lack of communication is one of the most telling signs of an emotional divorce.

Partners may stop sharing their thoughts, feelings, aspirations, and daily experiences with each........

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