A Journey Through Grief and Reports of After-Death Communication

'I saw the ghost of my deceased mother last night.' That's what J.P., a 42-year-old close friend, tearfully told me a few months ago. J.P. was only 10 when his mother passed away after being in a coma for two months, following a tragic car accident.

The loss of his mother shattered J.P.'s world. He lost his faith in God and was left confused and scared. Why would God do this to him? To his mom? If there was a heaven, was she there? Or had she simply ceased to exist?

He was angry—not just because he had to grow up without his mother but also because his life was no longer 'normal': he had to see a therapist during school, and the other kids wouldn't understand. People would tell him to pray; but how could he pray to the same God who took his mother away? For over 30 years, J.P. longed for any sign that would bring him comfort about the unanswered questions surrounding his mom's death, but he never received one. Not until that night.

It was around 2:30 a.m. J.P. woke from a deep sleep, lying on his bed, facing the door. When he opened his eyes, he says, there she was, his mother. He says that she was standing next to his bed and looked just as he remembered. Her long red hair was flowing down, exactly as she had when she would........

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