How to Reduce Burnout and Be Satisfied With Work

The quest for work-life balance is a common pursuit in today's fast-paced world. Many of us strive to find harmony between our professional responsibilities and personal lives. However, conflicts and spillover become inevitable as we allow work and life to interplay. New research has found a solution.

Previously, I've discussed meeting your needs at work and how you can shape your job in a way to find meaning and purpose. I've also spoken about how, when work becomes overwhelming, the best option is to detach. Finally, I've discussed how making changes at work or at home can have positive spillover for the other.

Unsurprisingly and excitingly, new research suggests all three of these ideas combined are the best for your well-being. That is, to feel satisfied with work and lessen burnout, meeting your needs and detaching from work is your best........

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