Spreading Kindness Is a Choice that Takes Strength

In today's tumultuous world, it's easy to find ourselves overwhelmed by bad news. In addition to whatever may be happening in our personal lives, family, jobs, and health, there are times when the world just seems to be unraveling. Daily reports of death, destruction, accidents, violence, poverty, homelessness, natural and environmental disasters, and national discord are deeply unsettling.

Some mornings I wake up burdened by such concerns and feel grumpy. I take all the fears, disappointments, worries, and pressures that I’m feeling with me on my morning walk not far from my home. Passing the friends, neighbors, and nameless strangers I see almost every morning on the trail, the grumpy version of me stares down and isn’t inclined to greet anybody with anything more than a passing glance and barely audible “mornin.”

On other mornings, I wake up thinking about the things that are going right in my life and community. It might be something I saw last night on TV or the video of my grandson learning to swim that lifted my spirits. Whatever it is, I leave for my morning walk with a smile and a heart full of hope and gratitude. On these mornings, I feel blessed and think about all the good things happening in my life. Taking a........

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