The Cognitive Interface—Reshaping Our Computer Interactions

The evolution of information access and interaction has been a transformative technological and human journey, from Gutenberg's printing press to Google's search engine. As we stand at the beginning of the Cognitive Age, large language models (LLMs) are not just catalyzing a shift from transactional interactions to iterative engagements; they are introducing a fundamentally new computer interface—the cognitive interface.

The history of human-computer interaction has been marked by significant milestones. From the early days of punch cards and keystrokes to the revolutionary graphical user interface (GUI) pioneered by Xerox PARC and popularized by Steve Jobs, each advancement has redefined how we interact with machines. Now, with the advent of LLMs, we are witnessing the birth of the cognitive interface—a language-based, cognitively responsive design that adapts to the user's needs and........

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