It is likely that you or someone you know has a loneliness, a longing in their heart, that they believe would be filled and the pain lifted if only they found their true love. People with secure attachment styles are likely to have fewer wounds carried forward into adulthood and may not experience a lack or emptiness that needs to be filled. Those with insecure attachment styles, however, may feel stuck seeking something that always seems unattainable. Dismissing avoidants might seek the ideal physical partner who asks little and gives them all the freedom in the world to express themselves without wanting reciprocity. Fearful avoidants might want the same thing along with a desire to be hungrily wanted in return. Those with preoccupied styles might think that if only they could get that beautiful yet unavailable person to love them consistently, all of their worries about love and relationships would go away.
The belief that there is one person out there whose love can help us transcend our pain is as old as the human race. The Greeks symbolized this love in the form of the Goddess Aphrodite. The Romans knew her as Venus; the Mesopotamians as Ishtar. A male version is found in the Greeks' Adonis.
What I call........