When Emotional Intelligence Makes You a Narcissist's Target

You may be a person who feels for others, “looks in the mirror,” and seeks to make others feel at ease. Your empathy allows you to really understand those around you and respond to them kindly. Although these are wonderful qualities, you may find yourself on the opposite end of a lot of drama. At times, it may be hard to trust your emotional intelligence when you feel continually targeted. It may help to understand the dynamic between emotional intelligence and narcissism.

Your emotionally intelligent qualities make you warm, genuine, engaging, and easy to be with. Your “non-defensiveness” and ability to be vulnerable allows you to establish genuine connections with others. This makes you an appealing person, especially to a narcissist, who may not, authentically, have these capabilities. However, the narcissist’s love-bombing, charm, and sense of humor, can make it seem like they are emotionally available, and because you trust and........

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