Suicide is often a taboo topic that parents don’t want to talk about with their teens because of the fear that perhaps they might end their own lives when things get tough for them.
Possible reasons for ending their lives could be breaking up with their girlfriend or boyfriend, poor grades, not making the cheerleading squad or the athletic team, having high expectations of themselves and then not being able to fulfill them, thinking they are too thin or overweight when in reality they are not, trying to get back at someone because they were embarrassed in front of their girlfriend or boyfriend, or abuse of drugs or alcohol. The reasons can go on and on. Some of the reasons may sound silly to adults, but to teenagers, they are very serious.
Suicide rates among teenagers seem to continue to rise year after year. Some may be disguised as an accident or drug overdose or even not mentioned by families due to the stigma society has put on it. As parents, it is very important to talk to your teen now before a suicide happens as well as after one has........