Forgiveness: A Critical Part of Relationships

Asking for forgiveness is the responsibility of every sinner, and accepting it the obligation of each victim. —Elie Wiesel, cited by S. Dean (2006)

Forgiveness is a term we often use without considering its ramifications for our relationships. If we didn’t forgive in our lives, our relationships with our parents, relatives, and significant others would likely have faltered or even collapsed. Yet, it is difficult to forgive someone who has harmed you or a loved one. It’s also difficult to move beyond a traumatic event if some degree of forgiveness has not been issued. As Elie Wiesel (1928-2016) reminds us, giving and receiving forgiveness is critical for any healthy relationship. Let's examine three facets of forgiveness in relationships: forgiveness is grounded in love, the value of assertive communication, and practical ways to improve dialogue.

Forgiveness is a process in which partners choose to heal their spiritual and psychological wounds. It can have deep implications for relationships at the spiritual level:

"Forgiveness is a process of purposeful action........

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