No, I’m not talking about becoming vegan or improving your recycling methods (although neither of those things is bad). Instead, I am talking about good old Mother Nature herself.
The natural world, you see, isn’t just beneficial for your mental health and well-being; it is essential. We generally need more of it, not less; that’s why I recommend getting out in it as much as you can, and it’s why you’re probably better off going for a walk in a wooded forest or nearby park than around the block.
But don’t just take my word for it; let’s look at the science. First up, we have a big study from researchers at the University of Exeter, who have just found that nature prescribing helped to both improve happiness levels and reduce levels of anxiety.1
The study, which was published by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), was a partnership effort that also included the University of Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University, and the University of Plymouth. It involved nearly 8,500 people, which is a big cohort. The study participants weren’t drawn from just one area, but from seven project test pilots across England.
All of them had mental health needs, all of them were recipients of a "green prescription," and all of them took part in a variety of nature-based activities,........