Finding Joy in the Journey

As May comes to an end, one can’t help but think of the old proverb, "April showers bring May flowers." For many, it is a struggle to see past the doldrums of the rain, thereby creating an unpleasant experience in the moment.

What if a simple perspective shift could profoundly change one’s journey in life? Recognizing that one’s perspective (and accordingly, one’s experience) is a personal choice can be an empowering shift, leading to a more extraordinary life.

Language matters. The human brain tries to deliver what it thinks its host wants. Quipping that "April showers bring May flowers" trains the brain to see April (and its showers) as something to persevere through to get to the May flowers. That perspective brings resistance with it, whether conscious or unconscious. This resistance introduces negativity.

What if, instead, one were to focus on the sheer joy of the showers themselves? Not as a way to get to the ultimate destination of flowers but, rather, as an exceptional........

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