Will "Contra-Dating" Help You Better Find Love?

You may have heard the term "contra-dating" being bandied about on social media and various dating sites and forums. This term is not about encouraging you to bring contraceptives to all of your dates. Instead, contra-dating has been defined as intentionally dating people outside or even the opposite of your "normal type." It's basically going for people whom you normally would not even consider, which, in turn, could significantly increase your dating pool.

In general, expanding your dating pool can be good, especially if the whole dating thing hasn't quite worked out for you so far. Two very common reasons for misfiring on dating are being too picky or consistently going for the wrong type of person. "Contra-dating" can shake things up and help you see if either of these are indeed problems for you and help surmount them.

After all, didn't Albert Einstein or someone smart like that define insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Why not, then, go "contra" to what you've been doing all along? Well, it depends on contra to what?

Have you been unnecessarily narrowing your dating pool by only going for people with a certain look or ethnic or........

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