The Unique Development of Twin Language

Twins develop language very differently than single children because of their profound relationship with each other. Early language acquisition in twins is very crucial to the development of their individual identities and their twin identities. Many psychologists and twin experts contemplate why learning to talk for twins is such a concern and a complicated problem. There is no agreed-upon answer to this unusual and problematic developmental issue. In reality, when speech development is left unattended, lifelong problems with communication are inevitable for twin children. For example, twins can be reluctant to meet new friends and colleagues, or just not have the skills to do so.

Many twin researchers suggest that underdeveloped language in early childhood is related to the “twin situation,” that is, being a twin. Because twins are so close to each other they often communicate non-verbally or understand what their twin is going through without the use of words. More simply stated, sometimes twins do not need to learn to speak, because they just understand each other, as their egos or sense of themselves are intertwined.

Twin co-dependence on each other as they learn language creates other specific........

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