Why Aren't Our Girls and Women Eating?
What is going on with our girls, teens, and women? Why are eating and weight such hot topics? Why do so many females feel that dieting and losing weight are such major accomplishments? I am referring to females of all ages who engage in the relentless pursuit of thinness and take pride in dietary restraint. Being a healthy weight is certainly important, but focusing on dieting and restraining food intake does in many cases lead to eating disorders like anorexia nervosa which are extremely resistant to treatment. In addition, they are associated with depression, isolation, and health problems.
The thinking among professionals who are treating females with eating disorders seems to be concentrated on the treatment of depression and anxiety while also working on cognitive restructuring, particularly around such negative thoughts as, "I will be seen as a glutton if I gain a pound." Therapists also tend to work in conjunction with nutritionists who aim to normalize healthy eating habits to........
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