The Interplay of Human Selves
We humans are very multifaceted and multifunctional creatures that are "composed of" multiple interrelated layers, which have an influence on our verbal and nonverbal behaviour.
According to William James, the founder of neuropsychology, there are at least five different kinds and layers to our own self, which are essential when dealing with people around us and understanding ourselves.
The five-folded depiction of our “self” is briefly presented below:
1. Our “Self”: This is the inner feeling of our being every morning we wake up. All psychological processes are rooted in this perspective of the “neuro-self.” This layer of the “self” is discreetly, continuously, and incessantly present in all the other layers of our “I” (Knowles & Sibicky 1990).
2. The Biological “Self”: This is our biological, physical self, which is embodied in our ancestors' heritage, our DNA. The construction, outer figure of our “self,” and all the interrelated........
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