What's So Great About Hypnotherapy?

I have worked as a coach for many years, but I am happy to share that I just completed my practitioner certificate in clinical hypnotherapy. Why hypnotherapy? First, I want to be able to move freely and flexibly on the coaching-therapy spectrum, and go exactly where my clients need to go. Sometimes that is deeper, sometimes it is not. And my hypnotherapy course offered a vast menu of therapeutic approaches, which beautifully suited my integrative impulse. Second, I have always been fascinated with the power of the subconscious mind and our imagination, especially when it comes to behaviour change.

Mind-body health, I am sure, will be the next big paradigm in medicine. I have experienced the benefits of hypnotherapy many times: I did a hypnobirthing course which worked like a charm and I also regularly use visualization and audio trances for important events or specific things I want to achieve. I have now started to offer hypnotherapy to my hypno-curious coaching-clients and so far I am astounded by how effective it can be. It involves a combination of deep physical relaxation, hyper-focused attention, and positive, strategic suggestions. But how exactly does it work and what can hypnotherapy do for you?

Most of us know exactly what we should do to live better, more fulfilling lives. And yet we often find ourselves a slave to old, unhelpful patterns, perpetually trapped in the gap between insight, intention, and action. Just because our conscious mind knows what we want and what we ought to do doesn’t mean that we are actually able to translate this knowledge into action. For all lasting and sustainable change of our thinking, feeling, and behaviour, our subconscious mind needs to be on board. If our subconscious is not convinced that changing is a good idea, it will throw........

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