A foul formula: Zionism x Appeasement = Genocide

The capitulation by seemingly intelligent and decent-minded national leaders to the Holocaust Industry’s relentless campaign to validate any action by Israel in the current conflict in Palestine is seriously affecting the political landscape. It seems that the leaders of “the Western World” have learned nothing from nearly a century of calamitous events.

Appeasement of genocide has never produced an honourable, decent, or even lasting outcome; it is utterly failing now to resolve the ghastly situation in the case of the Israeli decimation of Palestine.

The fact that in this case there is a mountain of evidence being broadcast world-wide via social media may be ameliorating the pernicious influence of the Holocaust Industry aka the Zionist support factory. The mainstream media is heavily biased towards exonerating the Israeli Government and the IDF and, to a lesser degree, the rampaging settlers, and many national governments, including especially that of the US and shamefully of Australia, as well despicably follow that lead.

What the Holocaust Industry is touting is that the genocide being wrought by the Zionist forces against the Palestinians is entirely justified by the horrors perpetrated by the fascist forces of several nations against Jews in the last century. While that has some emotive weight (yes, Joe Biden, I am looking at your supply of unfathomable quantities of offensive weaponry under........

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