The drums of war

The drums of war have been beating loudly from successive U.S. administrations for decades. They are getting louder and louder as the thin layer of power-hungry, greedy and heartless elite push and push in an attempt to get us all to the brink of war-minded madness, be it civil or foreign.

There are many examples of demagogues’ brow beating their people that other nations or tribes are on their doorstep baying for blood and that war is the only answer. Hitler, Sindikubwabo, Duvalier, Charles Taylor et al. Yet it is primarily the U.S. who are utterly abhorrent in their quest for dominance and violence throughout the globe. They are lurking behind their “respectable” job titles, pretending they are democratic whilst being supported by leading nations who kowtow to the U.S. war machine instead of standing up bravely and saying, “No more war”.

Those who believe China is going to invade Australia or that Russia is megalomaniacal with no notion of civility and no reason to be nervous of NATO on its border, or that Arabs are a bunch of “hot heads” are usually those who read the lies and propaganda that mainstream media relish in printing for the unsuspecting masses. The war mongering that spews out of some outlets is to serve only one purpose, and that is to ready the population (the majority) to take up arms and run onto the battlefield which the elite have already earmarked for their financial glory as they step over dead bodies........

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