The Philosophy of Al-Ghazali: Understanding Human Nature & Happiness

Life on Earth emerged due to the Big Bang, which gave birth to diverse living organisms, including the greatest creation of God: human beings. Human beings are extraordinary creatures that are equipped with spectacular capabilities to think, analyze, and interpret. In The Call of the Marching Bell, Allama Muhammad Iqbal rightly postulates the magnificent creation of mankind. He states that life is the mysterious formation of Adam, and it is the essence of the words “be and it was.” Let’s now explore the diverse shades of human personality that make them the most distinguished creatures.

Human personality is a blend of unique attributes and traits that define an individual’s character. Many Western psychologists explain personality according to their respective research Diverse schools of thought flourished in the early nineteenth century to explain human personality. They include behaviorism, the psychoanalytic theory, the trait theory, and the social learning theory. However, according to the Islamic perspective, the development of personality is dependent on the spiritual nature of an individual. Abu Hamid Muhammad Al-Ghazali was without a doubt one of the most eminent Islamic thinkers in this regard. He devoted his life to learning and teaching.

Abû Hâmid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazâlî (c. 1056–1111), commonly known as Al-Ghazali, was a well-known and influential philosopher, sufi theologian, and mystic. His contribution helped in the revival of the spiritual aspect of Islam, paving the enlightenment journey of the Muslim world. Imam Al-Ghazali was born in Tus, an ancient Persian city located in Iran near Mashhad. He received religious education from prominent scholars of his time.

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