The true dimensions of the divine

MOST people live their lives with numbed hearts, whereas faith is the journey of uncovering and discovering the higher self. Quran says, “He who is grateful is grateful only for the good of his own soul, but if anyone is ungrateful than surely God is Self-sufficient and Praiseworthy (31:12). Every single person on Earth carries the seeds of faith within them, how these seeds grow, depends on what God has planned for them and to what extent they strive spiritually.

Stages of Spiritualism: The first Level – The Compulsive Self. Kabir Heminiski says, “Every one of us has I ness, but of different densities. At the lowest stage, I ness can be like a prison of compulsions, addictions and fears. It is kind of hell state, a form of slavery, where you dwell in your own fears and compulsions.” You have no hope of change, because you do not acknowledge any need to change.

The Second Level – The Blaming Self. “It is the self with a conscience. You wake up and you realize, “Oh my God, I am an addict, I am compulsive, I am not conscious.” You see it, but cannot do anything about it. You witness it and you say I have to do something. Actually it is remorse.” At this level, wants and desires still dominate, but now the person repents from time to time and tries to follow higher impulses.”

The Third State – Salvation or Inspired self. “This is when the positive has........

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