The philosophy of Maulana Rumi (1207-1273)
“I profess the religion of love. Love is my religion and my faith. My mother is love, my father is love, my Prophet is love, and My God is love. I am a child of love. I have come only to speak of love …”- Rumi
“The religion of lovers is beyond all faiths. The only religion for lovers is God.” Rumi
This is the lesson one learns through divine love, when one discovers that God is already present with you, in you, as a lover and as a beloved. This realization will transform one’s life and will make the existence more meaningful. In Discourse five Rumi says, “Wherever you turn, there is the Face of God. This Face runs and extends infinitely and forever. True spiritual lovers have sacrificed themselves for the sake of that Face, desiring nothing in return. The rest of the human race are like cattle.”
When you realize this, you become one not only with God, but also with His creation, joined and bonded together with love. It will change one’s understanding of religion and its interpretation will become absolutely different. This fragrance of divine love one finds throughout in Rumi’s Dewan and Masanavi. Rumi says, “You are not to haunt your beloved; the beloved should come and haunt you, as a lover you will be dazed, as if you have jumped in an ocean.”
Here Rumi assumes the role of Prophet’s disciple. If you go to him as a teacher and as a mentor, he........
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