ISLAMABAD – Rain-wind/thunderstorms decreased total pollen count in Islamabad on Thursday, though it is still high to pose threat to the health of allergy patients.

Medical experts have advised people suffering from pollen allergy to take necessary precautionary measures due to very high pollen concentrations in all the sectors of Islamabad.

Total pollen count was recorded at 5,529 per cubic meter of air in the federal capital on Thursday. Last day, total pollen count in the federal capital was 12,611.

As per the data released by the Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), the total pollen count is 5,529 in the H-8 sector of the federal capital. Pollen concentration in G-6 was recorded at 1,604, E-8 at 1,504 and 712 in the F-10 sector of the federal capital.

Islamabad’s most abundant pollen types are Paper Mulberry, Acacia, Eucalyptus, Pines, Grasses, Cannabis, Dandelion and Alternaria.

Out of all these species, Paper Mulberry shares the highest pollen count of 5,450. Last day, pollen count of this specie was 12,531. Pollen concentrations of other species are Cannabis 20 (moderate), Grasses 15 (moderate), Alternaria 25 (low), Pines 19 (moderate) and Acacia, Eucalyptus and Dandelion zero.

Last day (Wednesday), pollen concentrations of Cannabis was 23 (moderate), Grasses 18 (moderate), Alternaria 28 (low), Pines 11 (moderate) and Acacia, Eucalyptus and Dandelion zero.

Pollen count in Islamabad today – 04 April 2024

Pollen count in Islamabad today – 04 April 2024

ISLAMABAD – Rain-wind/thunderstorms decreased total pollen count in Islamabad on Thursday, though it is still high to pose threat to the health of allergy patients.

Medical experts have advised people suffering from pollen allergy to take necessary precautionary measures due to very high pollen concentrations in all the sectors of........

© Pakistan Observer