Norfolk sees number of modern slavery cases hit record high

Sex workers trafficked into the county and young people forced into selling drugs were among cases that led to perpetrators being jailed.

Recent Home Office figures show 135 potential victims of modern slavery – which includes any form of human trafficking, slavery, servitude or forced labour – were referred to Norfolk Constabulary in 2023.

Female victims have been referred in Norfolk in trafficking and sexual exploitation cases (Image: PA)

It was up from 110 referrals the year before and the highest since comparable records began in 2018.

It included 72 children aged under 17. The true numbers are likely to be much higher.

Campaigners said it showed the "harsh reality" of modern slavery for hundreds of often vulnerable young people forced into work or illegal activities to pay off debts to gang-masters and traffickers.

Victoria Tecca, from the Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre, said many were “exploited in harsh conditions, facing threats, violence and intimidation".

She added it was "particularly troubling" to see record numbers of children in the statistics.

There were 72 live police operations into child slavery in Norfolk last........

© Norwich Evening News