The victim had been in a relationship with Sanjay Morrison, 30, for about seven months when he came back to her property in Shorncliffe Close, Norwich, with two friends in the early hours of the morning.

Norwich Crown Court, sitting at Whitefriars, heard Morrison was being "loud" and was told to be quiet by the woman as she did not want him to wake the neighbours up.

Norwich Crown Court at Whitefriars (Image: Peter Walsh, Newsquest)Chris Youell, prosecuting, said Morrison swore at her before she asked him to leave, during the incident on December 9.

He took with him a bottle of vodka and glasses before returning a few minutes later throwing a glass at the victim's forehead. He then rushed in and assaulted her.

Mr Youell said Morrison "punched her a number of times" resulting in her falling back into a radiator.

Morrison threw an ashtray at the woman - who is no longer in a relationship with him - which hit the wall before he punched her in the face and nose.

He also kicked her dog before leaving the address.

Mr Youell said the prolonged attack resulted in her sustaining multiple fractures, including two to her eye socket, as well as her nose and cheekbone.

The victim's door was also damaged.

Morrison, formerly of Chestnut Court, Norwich, appeared in court on Monday having previously admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm and criminal damage.

Sanjay Morrison (Image: Norfolk Constabulary)He also admitted a separate offence of breach of a restraining order against another woman on December 9, who Morrison had gone to see after the attack.

Jailing Morrison for 30 months, Judge David Pugh said it had been a "prolonged, persistent" assault on the victim who suffered "serious physical injuries", including multiple fractures.

Andrew Oliver, mitigating, said Morrison's biggest mitigation were his guilty pleas.

He said Morrison had told him he was "very sorry" this incident happened and accepted his behaviour was "poor".

Morrison was also made the subject of a restraining order prohibiting him from contacting the victim directly or indirectly for the next five years.

Man attacked partner after she told him not to wake neighbours

Man attacked partner after she told him not to wake neighbours

The victim had been in a relationship with Sanjay Morrison, 30, for about seven months when he came back to her property in Shorncliffe Close, Norwich, with two friends in the early hours of the morning.

Norwich Crown Court, sitting at Whitefriars, heard Morrison was being "loud" and was told to be quiet by the woman as she did not want him to wake the neighbours up.

Norwich Crown Court at Whitefriars (Image: Peter Walsh, Newsquest)Chris Youell, prosecuting, said Morrison swore at her before she asked him to leave,........

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