The car was parked in Cleveland Road at 9pm on Saturday and when the owners came to get it at 7am on Sunday, a brick had been thrown through the back window.

The pair, who wish to remain anonymous, said: "When we found the car with the smashed windshield, we were shocked and quite frankly disappointed.

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The vehicle was parked in Cleveland Road overnight (Image: Supplied)

"It is obvious that the intent of the attack was to simply cause damage as nothing was stolen.

"We assume it must have been some drunk individuals seeing as the incident took place on a Saturday night.

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"We asked passersby if anyone saw anything but couldn't find any witnesses and we looked around for CCTV and couldn’t locate any either."

The incident has been reported to the police and an investigation is under way.

Couple 'shocked' to discover BMW had been smashed with brick

Couple 'shocked' to discover BMW had been smashed with brick

The car was parked in Cleveland Road at 9pm on Saturday and when the owners came to get it at 7am on Sunday, a brick had been thrown through the back window.

The pair, who wish to remain anonymous, said: "When we found the car with the smashed........

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