City marks nearly 30 years since famous chocolate factory closed

The source of the smell was the Rowntrees factory – where Rolos, Yorkies, Caramacs and easter eggs were made - in what is now Chantry Place.

It is 30 years since the factory received the shocking news it would be shutting its doors for good, but many people in Norwich still have fond memories of the scent that greeted them as they walked through the city.


It all started with Albert Jarman Caley, a Norwich chemist who opened a small mineral water business called Fleur-de Lys Works in Bedford Street in 1864.

Chocolate making under way at Caley's, 1921 (Image: Newsquest)

His business swelled as demand for clean water soared and by 1880 Albert was able to buy the former glove factory in Chapelfield where he dug two wells to source the liquid.

But being a summertime venture, Albert thought of ways to keep his workforce in employment through the winter months.

In 1883, Caley's as it was then known, started making cocoa which could be produced in any season and then three years later the rapidly expanding brand began to make........

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