Donald Trump simply can’t help himself from taking a solid jab at the partial gag order he’s under in his New York hush-money trial. The court-imposed gag order prevents him from speaking publicly about courtroom staff, prosecutors, jurors, witnesses, or their family members—but according to Trump, not having the opportunity to openly insult them is thoroughly “unfair.”

“It is a really bad feeling to have your Constitutional Right to Free Speech, such a big part of life in our Country, so unfairly taken from you, especially when all of the sleazebags, lowlifes, and grifters that you oppose are allowed to say absolutely anything that they want,” Trump wrote on Truth Social Wednesday morning, during his only break from the courtroom this week.

“It is hard to sit back and listen to lies and false statements be made against you knowing that if you respond, even in the most modest fashion, you are told by a Corrupt and Highly Conflicted Judge that you will be PUT IN PRISON, maybe for a long period of time,” he continued. “This Fascist mindset is all coming from D.C. It is a sophisticated hit job on Crooked Joe Biden’s Political Opponent, ME!”

Trump then went on to attack Judge Arthur Engoron and Judge Lewis Kaplan, who oversaw two of his prior civil trials, including the New York bank fraud trial in which Trump had to cough up $15,000 for violating a similar gag order.

“Judges Engoron and Kaplan, also of New York, are equally Corrupt, only in different ways,” Trump wrote, attempting to tie court cases in which he, a former real estate mogul, reality TV star, and indicted former president, was tried for his own misconduct, to the liberties of the average American. “What these THUGS are doing is AN ATTACK ON THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, AND OUR ONCE GREAT NATION ITSELF. OUR FIRST AMENDMENT MUST STAND, FREE AND STRONG. ‘GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH!’”

Donald Trump’s big mouth in the hush-money trial has so far cost him $9,000 and earned him a formal warning about the possibility of jail time if he continues to violate the gag. In the days since Trump was last formally warned, he has come pretty close to breaching the order—including deleting a post about Stormy Daniels moments before she was set to take the stand. It remains to be seen if his latest post—which seems to lambast witnesses in the case as “sleazebags” and “lowlifes”—will constitute another violation.

Trump is accused of using Cohen to sweep an affair with porn actress Stormy Daniels under the rug ahead of the 2016 presidential election. The Republican presidential nominee faces 34 felony charges in this case for allegedly falsifying business records with the intent to further an underlying crime. Trump has pleaded not guilty on all counts.

A Republican lawmaker has decided that the violent detention of college students participating in Gaza solidarity protests isn’t enough of a punishment. Instead, he believes the only way to encourage them to stop using their First Amendment right to protest is to ship them off to Gaza.

Tennessee Representative Andy Ogles introduced a new bill into the House Wednesday, proposing that students who were arrested for protesting against Israel’s war on Gaza should be sent abroad to “provide community service” for a minimum of six months in the war-torn territory.

“Any person convicted of unlawful activity on the campus of an institution of higher education beginning on and after October 7, 2023, shall be assigned to Gaza for the purpose of providing community service… for a period not fewer than six months,” the bill reads.

It is not currently clear what the exact parameters of the proposed community service would be, though the bill points to the term’s definition in U.S. Code, which are identified by universities “through formal or informal consultation with local nonprofit, governmental, and community-based organizations.”

Although it’s unlikely to gain momentum, the bill could impact approximately 2,100 students who were arrested while participating in peace protests in recent weeks.

It’s at least the second time Ogles has hatefully condemned the citizens of Gaza and their American allies who want an end to the war. In February, the Tennessee Republican ruthlessly advocated for the complete extermination of Palestine while engaging in a fiery spat with an activist.

“You know what? So, I think we should kill ’em all, if that makes you feel better,” Ogles, a self-described Christian, told a protester asking him about dead Palestinian children. “Everybody in Hamas.”

“Hamas and the Palestinians have been attacking Israel for 20 years. And It’s time to pay the piper,” the lawmaker continued.

Meanwhile, more than 34,000 Palestinians have been killed, and more than 77,000 Palestinians have been injured in the conflict, according to data from the Gaza Health Ministry. Most of the victims have been women and children.

Israel has advanced its attacks on Gaza by blocking humanitarian aid from reaching those who need it. Israel has also utilized mass starvation, as well as blocked or destroyed access to critical resources such as water, food, fuel, electricity, and medical aid.

America’s disgraced mayor seems to have lost practically everything in his bid to aid Donald Trump.

A Tuesday filing in United States Bankruptcy Court revealed that Rudy Giuliani has lost more than just cash in his New York City–based federal bankruptcy case, but also the hired hand intended to tally it.

“Unfortunately, the debtor originally had an accountant who was helping, however, he had a change of heart and indicated that he no longer wished to help prepare the monthly operating reports,” the filing reads.

The former Trump adviser also sought out the help of several other accounting firms for help with his expenses, but nobody wanted the job, according to the legal document, which noted that Giuliani’s sole source of income is mainly from his Social Security and “whatever little bit of money” comes in from his WABC radio show and podcast.

The telling filing is just the latest in a long series of legal woes suffered by Giuliani since he risked it all to allegedly help Trump steal the 2020 presidential election. In December, the former Trump attorney was ordered to cough up $148 million for defaming Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and her daughter, Shaye Moss. And three months before that, Giuliani faced a suit from his former legal representation, who accused him of failing to pay his bill and allegedly only dishing out $214,000 of nearly $1.6 million in legal expenses, after he claimed he was stiffed by his favorite client, Trump, to the tune of millions of dollars.

That resulted in an embarrassing show in which Giuliani had no other option than to beg Trump for help settling his seven-figure legal fees, to which the stingy developer refused but offered to throw a couple of fundraisers for him instead.

Giuliani is also one of 19 co-defendants in the Georgia election interference case and was named in April in an Arizona indictment charging another slew of Republican officials and Trump allies for their alleged involvement in a scheme to overturn the state’s 2020 presidential election results.

After complaining about being forced to attend his hush-money trial, Donald Trump is spending his day off with people who spent thousands of dollars on his NFTs.

Axios reports that, after his trial wrapped up for the day on Tuesday, Trump flew back to Palm Beach, Florida, to have dinner with the NFT buyers at his Mar-a-Lago estate. The buyers each bought at least 47 of his “Mugshot Edition” NFTs, which cost $99 each. The “artworks” consist of images ranging from his actual mugshot to artist renderings of him dressed as a cowboy or superhero.

After his trial wrapped on Tuesday, Trump told reporters “I’d like to be campaigning” and has vented on his Truth Social account about being required to attend every day of his trial proceedings in New York in accordance with state law. But he has no campaign events scheduled for Wednesday. He has also complained that he wouldn’t be allowed to attend his youngest child Barron’s high school graduation (he also scheduled a campaign event for the same day). But the former president is also desperate for cash due to the many legal judgments against him.

He owes E. Jean Carroll $83 million after she successfully sued him for defamation. He owes The New York Times $400,000. He also currently has a surety company backing him to the tune of $175 million to appeal the fraud trial ruling against him. That doesn’t include the legal fees he’s racked up, which at least one of his former lawyers, Rudy Giuliani, says he isn’t paying.

He could easily be going bankrupt and, in his desperation for cash, has engaged in ventures including branded $399 sneakers, the aforementioned NFTs, and even “God Bless the USA” Bibles.

Donald Trump just got some good news on another legal front.

A Georgia appeals court has agreed to review the decision to keep Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis on the RICO prosecution against Trump in his Georgia election interference case. That criminal trial charges Trump and more than a dozen of his associates with trying to steal Georgia’s 2020 election from the candidate that actually won the majority of votes, Joe Biden. Now, with Tuesday’s decision from the appeals court, it’s not clear when the case will actually go to trial.

This is a huge win for Trump, who had appealed a lower court ruling to allow Willis to continue overseeing the case. The appeal court’s order says Trump can file a notice of appeal within the next 10 days.

Willis was allowed to remain on the Georgia RICO case after she was accused of hiring special prosecutor Nathan Wade—a man she had a relationship with and who billed her office (and taxpayers) more than $728,000 in legal fees—for personal financial gain. The couple was also accused of taking several international vacations together that were allegedly partially bankrolled by public funds. However, after weeks of intense questioning, a Georgia judge ruled in March that Willis would be allowed to continue prosecuting Trump so long as Wade took the fall.

In a letter submitted to the District Attorney’s Office filing, Wade wrote that his leave, effective immediately, was in the “interest of democracy” and to move the case forward “as quickly as possible.”

That expediency may have been for naught, however. Deliberating Trump’s appeal is expected to push back the election interference trial significantly, with some attorneys predicting it could easily push past November.

“Trump & his allies will always find something, anything to delay their day in Court,” wrote former Justice Department official Anthony Coley. “Bottom line: This November, the people will decide if Trump will ever face accountability for trying to overturn the will of voters.”

As if Robert F. Kennedy Jr. couldn’t get any weirder, the presidential candidate has admitted that a doctor once suspected a worm ate part of his brain and then died inside his head.

The New York Times reports that in 2010, Kennedy was experiencing severe mental fog and memory loss, so he went to see specialist doctors, including some of the same neurologists who had treated his uncle Senator Ted Kennedy’s brain cancer. After brain scans, doctors thought that he had a tumor and quickly scheduled a surgery to have it removed.

But, while he was preparing, another doctor called him with a different opinion: Kennedy had a dead parasite in his head, “a worm that got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died,” Kennedy said in a 2012 deposition from his divorce proceedings reviewed by the Times.

In the deposition, Kennedy said, “I have cognitive problems, clearly. I have short-term memory loss, and I have longer-term memory loss that affects me.”

The 70-year-old independent presidential candidate claims to be in better shape, mentally and physically, than his opponents Joe Biden and Donald Trump, who are 81 and 77, respectively. He’s posted videos skiing and lifting weights shirtless at an outdoor gym in Venice Beach, California. In an interview with The New York Times, Kennedy said he had recovered from symptoms including memory loss and fogginess.

But he’s also had his own health issues over the years, such as atrial fibrillation, a heart issue linked to an increased risk of stroke or heart failure; mercury poisoning, which can cause neurological issues; and spasmodic dysphonia, which results in a shaky, tight or strained-sounding voice.

Kennedy’s campaign has had mixed news as of late, gaining ballot access in California and Delaware and worrying the Trump campaign. But he’s also faced calls to drop out from his allies in the environmental movement, and one of his campaign consultants was arrested for allegedly choking and punching a woman.

Nikki Haley is still haunting Donald Trump’s bid for the White House.

Three months after abandoning her long-shot campaign, Haley still managed to nab 128,000 votes in Indiana’s GOP presidential primary on Tuesday, according to polling results compiled by Decision Desk HQ. That constituted 21 percent of the Republican vote in the Hoosier State, meaning one in five registered conservatives still preferred Haley over their party’s presumptive nominee.

It’s the continuation of an anti-Trump GOP movement that has persisted even as Trump mows down an empty political field. Last month, Haley also managed to pull a significant portion of votes in Pennsylvania’s GOP primary—more than 158,000 votes, or 16.6 percent.

On her exit from the race, Haley skirted actually endorsing Trump as Trump’s other GOP contenders did. Instead, the ambassador suggested it would be up to the former president to “earn” the vote of all Republican and independent voters.

“It is now up to Donald Trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it who did not support him, and I hope he does that,” Haley said during a speech suspending her campaign in March. “At its best, politics is about bringing people into your cause, not turning them away. And our conservative cause badly needs more people. This is now his time for choosing.“

Haley’s ability to offer an intraparty alternative to Trump’s politics proved an incredible boon to her campaign. In January CBS News/YouGov matchups between the top Republican contenders and President Joe Biden, Haley came out head and shoulders above her competition, leading with 54 percent of the vote against Biden’s 45 percent thanks to support from moderates, independents, and voters with college degrees. That was a much wider margin than Trump, who was predicted at the time to win against Biden by just two percentage points with 50 percent of the vote.

A Biden administration report that could cut off military aid to Israel has been indefinitely delayed.

The State Department was anticipated to issue the report Wednesday, but that’s no longer the case, reported Politico. The report would have defined whether Israel violated humanitarian law since its conflict with Gaza broke out on October 7. If the State Department determined Israel had broken humanitarian law, then it would have been even harder to justify continued U.S. military assistance to Israel.

In an email shared by three Senate aides and one House aide with Politico, the Biden administration notified Congress that the report would be “briefly delayed,” without any further clarification or issue of a new deadline.

But comments from the State Department itself weren’t so assuring.

“We are trying very hard to meet that deadline,” State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller told reporters Tuesday, who outright admitted that the report wasn’t finished. “It’s possible it slips just a little bit, but we are trying to get it done by tomorrow.”

Meanwhile, Israel blatantly rejected a cease-fire opportunity, launching more airstrikes onto Rafah and capturing the Palestinian side of the Rafah Crossing in the hours after Hamas agreed to a cease-fire proposal organized by Egypt, Qatar, and the United States.

“The last couple of days have proved that Israel was not really negotiating in good faith,” Omar Rahman, an expert on Israel-Palestine with the Middle East Council for Global Affairs, told Al Jazeera. “The moment that Hamas agreed to a deal, Israel was willing to blow that up by commencing their assault on Rafah.”

“The goal is to destroy Gaza in its totality,” Rahman said.

The international criminal court at The Hague is weighing whether to charge Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with war crimes as the country’s war on Gaza claims so many lives that local authorities say they can no longer keep count. More than 34,000 Palestinians have been killed, and more than 77,000 Palestinians have been injured in the conflict, according to data from the Gaza Health Ministry. Most of the victims have been women and children.

Israel has advanced its attacks on the beleaguered nation by blocking humanitarian aid from reaching those who need it. Israel has also utilized mass starvation, as well as blocked or destroyed access to critical resources such as water, food, fuel, electricity, and medical aid.

Judge Aileen Cannon, who coincidentally was appointed by Donald Trump, announced Tuesday afternoon that she is indefinitely postponing his classified documents case in Florida.

The case was originally scheduled to begin on May 20. Tuesday’s written decision says that that start date is being vacated due to concerns about classified evidence, but Cannon makes no indication of when the trial will be placed back on the calendar.

“The Court also determines that finalization of a trial date at this juncture—before resolution of the myriad and interconnected pre-trial and [Classified Information Procedures Act] issues remaining and forthcoming—would be imprudent and inconsistent with the Court’s duty to fully and fairly consider the various pending pre-trial motions before the Court, critical CIPA issues, and additional pretrial and trial preparations necessary to present this case to a jury,” Cannon’s decision reads.

In other words, Cannon says the case must be delayed because of the number of pretrial motions that remain unresolved. There’s just one problem with that justification: The motions remain unresolved because she has failed to resolve them. Cannon has dragged her feet and given concessions to Trump’s legal team at seemingly every opportunity thus far.

The latest decision means that Trump is all but certain to avoid trial in the classified documents case until after the November election. If he wins, he could instruct the Department of Justice to drop the case altogether or even try to preemptively pardon himself. Cannon has set two hearings for May 22 on Trump’s motions to dismiss the trial entirely.

In court Tuesday during Donald Trump’s hush-money trial, some new and unusual nicknames were entered into the legal record during adult film actress Stormy Daniels’s testimony.

Trump attorney Susan Necheles displayed a tweet from Daniels dated November 9, 2022, where Daniels states, “I don’t owe him shit and I’ll never give that orange turd a dime.”

Now, “orange turd” is officially part of New York case law.

In another instance, a Truth Social post containing Trump’s insults toward Daniels were entered into the public record by prosecutor Susan Hoffinger, specifically the words “Horseface” and “SleazeBag.” Daniels said that the terms referred to her.

Early on in Daniels’s testimony, she noted that the former president always called her “honeybunch,” and that she’d put his phone calls to her on speakerphone.

These aren’t the first colorful nicknames to be entered into the record during this trial. Last week, Trump attorney Todd Blanche displayed Twitter (now X) posts in court where Trump’s former attorney and fixer turned adversary Michael Cohen calls the former president “Von ShitzInPantz” and also refers to him as a “racist jackass who referred to African nations as ‘shithole countries.’”

Trump is facing 34 felony charges for allegedly falsifying business records with the intent to further an underlying crime for paying off Daniels to cover up their affair ahead of the 2016 presidential election. He has pleaded not guilty. Earlier Tuesday, Daniels’s testimony revealed several salacious details about the affair, including Trump comparing the adult film actress to his daughter Ivanka and an excuse that Daniels used in one instance to avoid sex with the former president.

Trump Risks New Gag Order Violation with Fresh “Sleazeballs” Tirade

Trump Risks New Gag Order Violation with Fresh “Sleazeballs” Tirade

Donald Trump simply can’t help himself from taking a solid jab at the partial gag order he’s under in his New York hush-money trial. The court-imposed gag order prevents him from speaking publicly about courtroom staff, prosecutors, jurors, witnesses, or their family members—but according to Trump, not having the opportunity to openly insult them is thoroughly “unfair.”

“It is a really bad feeling to have your Constitutional Right to Free Speech, such a big part of life in our Country, so unfairly taken from you, especially when all of the sleazebags, lowlifes, and grifters that you oppose are allowed to say absolutely anything that they want,” Trump wrote on Truth Social Wednesday morning, during his only break from the courtroom this week.

“It is hard to sit back and listen to lies and false statements be made against you knowing that if you respond, even in the most modest fashion, you are told by a Corrupt and Highly Conflicted Judge that you will be PUT IN PRISON, maybe for a long period of time,” he continued. “This Fascist mindset is all coming from D.C. It is a sophisticated hit job on Crooked Joe Biden’s Political Opponent, ME!”

Trump then went on to attack Judge Arthur Engoron and Judge Lewis Kaplan, who oversaw two of his prior civil trials, including the New York bank fraud trial in which Trump had to cough up $15,000 for violating a similar gag order.

“Judges Engoron and Kaplan, also of New York, are equally Corrupt, only in different ways,” Trump wrote, attempting to tie court cases in which he, a former real estate mogul, reality TV star, and indicted former president, was tried for his own misconduct, to the liberties of the average American. “What these THUGS are doing is AN ATTACK ON THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, AND OUR ONCE GREAT NATION ITSELF. OUR FIRST AMENDMENT MUST STAND, FREE AND STRONG. ‘GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH!’”

Donald Trump’s big mouth in the hush-money trial has so far cost him $9,000 and earned him a formal warning about the possibility of jail time if he continues to violate the gag. In the days since Trump was last formally warned, he has come pretty close to breaching the order—including deleting a post about Stormy Daniels moments before she was set to take the stand. It remains to be seen if his latest post—which seems to lambast witnesses in the case as “sleazebags” and “lowlifes”—will constitute another violation.

Trump is accused of using Cohen to sweep an affair with porn actress Stormy Daniels under the rug ahead of the 2016 presidential election. The Republican presidential nominee faces 34 felony charges in this case for allegedly falsifying business records with the intent to further an underlying crime. Trump has pleaded not guilty on all counts.

A Republican lawmaker has decided that the violent detention of college students participating in Gaza solidarity protests isn’t enough of a punishment. Instead, he believes the only way to encourage them to stop using their First Amendment right to protest is to ship them off to Gaza.

Tennessee Representative Andy Ogles introduced a new bill into the House Wednesday, proposing that students who were arrested for protesting against Israel’s war on Gaza should be sent abroad to “provide community service” for a minimum of six months in the war-torn territory.

“Any person convicted of unlawful activity on the campus of an institution of higher education beginning on and after October 7, 2023, shall be assigned to Gaza for the purpose of providing community service… for a period not fewer than six months,” the bill reads.

It is not currently clear what the exact parameters of the proposed community service would be, though the bill points to the term’s definition in U.S. Code, which are identified by universities “through formal or informal consultation with local nonprofit, governmental, and community-based organizations.”

Although it’s unlikely to gain momentum, the bill could impact approximately 2,100 students who were arrested while participating in peace protests in recent weeks.

It’s at least the second time Ogles has hatefully condemned the citizens of Gaza and their American allies who want an end to the war. In February, the Tennessee Republican ruthlessly advocated for the complete extermination of Palestine while engaging in a fiery spat with an activist.

“You know what? So, I think we should kill ’em all, if that makes you feel better,” Ogles, a self-described Christian, told a protester asking him about dead Palestinian children. “Everybody in Hamas.”

“Hamas and the Palestinians have been attacking Israel for 20 years. And It’s time to pay the piper,” the lawmaker continued.

Meanwhile, more than 34,000 Palestinians have been killed, and more than 77,000 Palestinians have been injured in the conflict, according to data from the Gaza Health Ministry. Most of the victims have been women and children.

Israel has advanced its attacks on Gaza by blocking humanitarian aid from reaching those who need it. Israel has also utilized mass starvation, as well as blocked or destroyed access to critical resources such as water, food, fuel, electricity, and medical aid.

America’s disgraced mayor seems to have lost........

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