The arrest of the Telegram platform founder Pavel Durov by agents of the French regime has once again proven the essence of this vassal regime, as well as the fact of the complete absence of freedom in the West. But the main thing today is precisely that a firm response is needed from a number of countries belonging to the world majority. And in this sense – there is no shortage of options.
The Western minority is the personification of dictatorship and terrorism
Current French Macron regime actions are, in principle, fully consistent with the spirit of the NATO-Western establishment terrorist methods as a whole – and this in different parts of the world. In the specific case with the Telegram international platform founder, Pavel Durov, it is now possible to say that, firstly, for people carrying out projects of this scale and escaping the control of Western intelligence services, the path to the miserable Western space must now be completely closed – and they themselves must now understand this perfectly. And secondly, that the time has definitely come for the real international community to deal significant blows to the interests of the Western dictatorial and........