Macron, Sullivan and now Cameron are the agents of Russophobia and Chinaphobia in ’Inner Asia’

D. Cameron’s trip, which took place in the last decade of April 2024, was the first ever consecutive visit of the UK Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs (and of the G7 countries) to all Central Asian countries and Mongolia. The trip was also historic for the selected countries he visited: in particular, no Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom had ever visited Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan before. For a number of other countries on the list, such a guest was no less unexpected, as the British Foreign Secretary last visited Mongolia in 2013 and Uzbekistan in 1997. The overseas inspector’s assessment of the regional situation sounds promising, saying that “Central Asia is a key region of the world with major challenges.”

The true purpose of the trip is first of all indicated by the selection of countries chosen for successive visits by Cameron. The fact is that in addition to the countries of Central Asia, a deeply integrated ethno-cultural and geopolitical complex, he also chose to visit Mongolia, which is rather alienated from this established regional community. Why did Cameron choose to visit this particular country on his Central Asian trip, rather than, for example, Azerbaijan, which is much closer to the countries of the region (especially in recent years)? In this regard, it can be assumed that Cameron was primarily interested in those states that are located in close proximity to Russia and China. It is highly likely that the trip........

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