CNN yesterday asked UN Women’s deputy executive director for policy, Sarah E. Hendriks, why UN Women won’t “specifically call out Hamas, and the mounting evidence, now over seven weeks, that Israeli investigators have collected.”

“Indeed, UN Women always supports impartial, independent investigations into any serious allegations of gender-based or sexual violence,” Hendriks replied. She added:

And within the U.N. family, these investigations are led by the office of the high commissioner of human rights. And just to provide a little bit of context, in terms of UN Women’s role: UN Women specifically provides and has extensive knowledge on gender-based violence, and provides and supports investigations, as we do with all U.N. investigations. And so consequently, in this context, and within the U.N. system, it is the independent, international commission of inquiry, which for us has the mandate to investigate all alleged violations.


Many of you, readers, are sensible enough to have loathed the U.N. for decades. Irredeemable as the institution may be, its sway over the international community makes its conscious disdain for Israeli women all the more unacceptable.

“Believe all women” is not an applicable standard for what happened in Israel on October 7. Faith in the claims that Hamas attacked women and children is unnecessary thanks to the terrorists who so proudly provided evidence of their crimes. We have photos, we have videos, and now, we have the mutilated bodies of women on morgue tables in Israel, whose last moments have been documented in sexual-assault reports.

UN Women demands further investigation of Hamas’s violence. Fine. Put Israelis through the painstaking hell of cataloguing the atrocities. But why, as Hendriks claims that the organization routinely does, doesn’t UN Women lead that investigation? Did UN Women conduct a heavy-handed investigation before publishing its report on the women and children in Gaza affected by Israel’s counter-attack? Given that UN Women relied on data from the Hamas-run Gaza media office, I’m inclined to think not.

Israeli women are not pawns in this fight. What will it take for the international community to believe them?

UN Women Demands Proof of Hamas’s Gender-Based Violence

UN Women Demands Proof of Hamas’s Gender-Based Violence

CNN yesterday asked UN Women’s deputy executive director for policy, Sarah E. Hendriks, why UN Women won’t “specifically call out Hamas, and the mounting evidence, now over seven weeks, that Israeli investigators have collected.”

“Indeed, UN Women always supports impartial, independent investigations into any serious allegations of gender-based or sexual violence,” Hendriks replied. She added:

And within the U.N. family, these investigations are led by the office of the high commissioner of human rights. And just to provide a........

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