Despite noting increased threats, this is a business-as-usual document, with most of the spending planned over a 20-year time horizon

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For many years, there was no political payback for increasing defence expenditure, so governments in Ottawa didn’t bother.

But recent polls suggest voters are sufficiently spooked by events in Ukraine and the Middle East, not to mention by the prospect of Donald Trump’s return to the White House, to urge Ottawa to start taking defence seriously again.

The shift in the public mood spurred the Liberal government to release its highly anticipated defence policy review on Monday, even catching many in the department of National Defence off guard.

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In all likelihood, it will be broadly welcomed.

Not only are the spending increases relatively modest — $8.1 billion over the next five years is not going to force the government to make too many hard choices — it focuses that increased capability on protecting the homeland.

“The most urgent and important task we face is in asserting Canada’s sovereignty in the Arctic,” the document states.

It’s not quite a proposal for splendid isolation.

“Canada maintains an enduring commitment to our European allies and partners” in the form of the 2,200 soldiers who will be deployed to Latvia by 2026. But European partners are on notice that they shouldn’t expect an expanded Canadian presence.

The calculation appears to have been made that if the public is demanding more defence expenditure, the money should be spent as close to home as possible.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made the announcement at CFB Trenton, saying that Canada is now in the frontlines of emerging threats on NATO’s northern and western flank, as the Arctic melts and the Northwest Passage becomes the most efficient shipping route between Asia and Europe by 2050.

The Our North, Strong and Free document is well-named. It indicates a retrenchment of Canada’s commitments — a prioritization of the defence of the North American continent, after which, if there are any resources left, the Canadian Forces can deploy elsewhere. “When we are strong and secure at home, we can support our allies without fear of retaliation,” it says. “Our Arctic waters, airspace and territory cannot be vulnerable to intrusion or used as an avenue to harm Canada or our closest ally, the United States,” it says.

The document may not be hailed in Europe’s capitals but the expanded commitment to the North will be welcomed in Washington.

The expenditure increases mean that, while Canada will spend $30 billion this year, by 2029/30 that will rise to $49.5 billion or 1.76 per cent of GDP.

The plan hails this increase as a “a major step forward in our effort to reach 2 percent of GDP” as agreed by all NATO allies in Vilnius last year. But it offers no path to reach that fabled, somewhat arbitrary target. Trudeau said more spending will follow, as the Forces address the 15,000 personnel shortfall. But a re-elected president Trump is unlikely to take that on faith.

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Even Defence Department officials could not answer how much of the new money will be clawed back under the government’s spending cuts (we know that $2.5 billion on a cash basis will be cut over the next three years).

The document promises to spend billions on maintaining existing equipment and defence infrastructure, and on keeping existing ships in the water until the 15 new long-promised new warships are ready sometime next decade. There are hundreds of millions of dollars to digitize military health records, expand civilian capacity, improve military child care and to spruce up the Forces’ housing stock. None of these promises is likely to deter Russian adventurism.

There is also funding, much of it back-end loaded, to increase domestic artillery ammunition production; to purchase a new fleet of tactical helicopters to replace the Griffin fleet; for improved satellite communications and maritime sensors; to purchase early warning aircraft, and for long-range missiles for the army.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau trumpeted the new spending as a massive increase on the budget the Liberals inherited from the Harper Conservatives in 2015. “It is important to remember where we started. The Canadian Forces were significantly underinvested in by the previous government, which spent one per cent of GDP in 2014. We started to invest massively … and have now doubled spending between 2016 and 2026,” he said.

Vice-Admiral (ret’d) Mark Norman, a former deputy chief of the defence staff, said the document represents a step in the right direction.

“It does appear to be a bit of a ‘bastion’ strategy, where capabilities to defend North America have been prioritized,” he said, noting the “long overdue” investment in early-warning aircraft, maritime sensors and satellite communications.

The previous policy — 2017’s Strong, Secure, Engaged — was widely criticized for providing little political direction on which strategic areas to prioritize. The result was a Canadian Forces that was “a mile wide and an inch deep,” in the words of one DND official, as the organization was pulled in multiple directions.

There will be justifiable criticisms that Canada is shrinking its commitments overseas. But there is a reasonable case to be made that trying to be all things to everyone hasn’t worked and that focusing on the Arctic, as NATO’s western and northern flank, makes sense.

The problem with that line of argument is that the Liberals have tried to be half-pregnant. The Our North document acknowledges the military needs to have the tools to assert Canadian sovereignty in the Arctic by “defending Canada’s coastline, (and) detecting and defeating maritime and airborne threats.”

Yet, while it recognizes the need to invest in integrated air and missile defence capabilities “alongside NATO allies,” there is no commitment to do so.

“We will explore options for acquiring ground-based air defences to defend critical infrastructure,” the document says.

Perhaps this is the hangover from the abortive ballistic-missile defence debates of the early 2000s, when Canada decided not to participate in a system that has been rendered largely obsolete by hypersonic and cruise missiles. However, as Norman noted, “The recurring avoidance of the missile defence issue is just an example of bad politics interfering with good policy. It’s pretty hard to be a ‘reliable’ or ‘secure’ partner in continental defence, if we aren’t fully integrated with the air defence framework for the continent.”

Neither is there a firm commitment to buying submarines that can operate in the North. The document pledges “to explore” options for expanding the submarine fleet and Trudeau said they are coming, but “we just haven’t yet defined what type of submarines or how they will be deployed.”

The same lack of detail could be said of the tactical helicopters, yet they are in the document, with an $18.3-billion price tag attached. The suspicion is that the finance minister got sticker shock at the prospect of including the subs.

There is a reasonable chance some of the commitments in Our North might come to fruition. But the options still being explored, like long-range missiles, subs, strike drones and a new tank fleet, are the longest of long shots.

Allies will be alarmed at the timelines for most acquisitions.

Despite the recognition of the increased threats, this is a business-as-usual document, with most of the spending planned over a 20-year time horizon — a phrase used 16 times. There is no particular hurry to right the ship, despite Trudeau noting the years of underfunding.

Canada buys military equipment at the pace of coastal erosion, a problem which Our North acknowledges and promises to fix. “We will make procurement more transparent and reliable,” the prime minister said.

Easy to say but hard to do: the Liberals promised in their 2015 election platform that equipment would be acquired faster.

Yet, since the Strong, Secure, Engaged plan in 2017, there has been a cumulative shortfall of nearly $12 billion between what the Department of National Defence spent and what was envisaged in the policy document, according to the Parliamentary Budget Office.

“Sorting out shared responsibilities for defending the continent is a good start but it does beg the question: ‘How does the government plan to deliver these new and necessary capabilities, when the procurement process is so cumbersome and ineffective?’” asked Norman.

Trudeau tends towards grandiloquence at such times and he did not disappoint. “Canadians are once again called upon to meet the moment,” he said about the increasingly complex threats to “freedom, justice, fairness and peace” from Russia and China.

Yet there was no sense of urgency, no feeling that when the cameras are turned off, the prime minister will be asking for updates on the purchase of new maritime sensors.

This government has a well-earned reputation for failing to deliver. That is not an option this time.

National Post

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Despite noting increased threats, this is a business-as-usual document, with most of the spending planned over a 20-year time horizon

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For many years, there was no political payback for increasing defence expenditure, so governments in Ottawa didn’t bother.

But recent polls suggest voters are sufficiently spooked by events in Ukraine and the Middle East, not to mention by the prospect of Donald Trump’s return to the White House, to urge Ottawa to start taking defence seriously again.

The shift in the public mood spurred the Liberal government to release its highly anticipated defence policy review on Monday, even catching many in the department of National Defence off guard.

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In all likelihood, it will be broadly welcomed.

Not only are the spending increases relatively modest — $8.1 billion over the next five years is not going to force the government to make too many hard choices — it focuses that increased capability on protecting the homeland.

“The most urgent and important task we face is in asserting Canada’s sovereignty in the Arctic,” the document states.

It’s not quite a proposal for splendid isolation.

“Canada maintains an enduring commitment to our European allies and partners” in the form of the 2,200 soldiers who will be deployed to Latvia by 2026. But European partners are on notice that they shouldn’t expect an expanded Canadian presence.

The calculation appears to have been made that if the public is demanding more defence expenditure, the money should be spent as close to home as possible.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made the announcement at CFB Trenton, saying that Canada is now in the frontlines of emerging threats on NATO’s northern and western flank, as the Arctic melts and the Northwest Passage becomes the most efficient shipping route between Asia and Europe by 2050.

The Our North, Strong and Free document is well-named. It indicates a retrenchment of Canada’s commitments — a prioritization of the defence of the North American continent, after which, if there are any resources left, the Canadian Forces can deploy elsewhere. “When we are strong and secure at home, we can support our allies without fear of retaliation,” it says. “Our Arctic waters, airspace and territory cannot be vulnerable to intrusion or used as an avenue to harm Canada or our closest ally, the United........

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