Adam Pankratz: Anti-road Guilbeault drives down the slippery slope to climate tyranny

The environment minister clearly wants Canada to deindustrialize

In recent years, governments are increasingly turning to a particular tool to deal with things they don’t like: the ban.

Depending on which way one leans, one may agree or disagree with a prohibition. But the practice itself is dangerous because it is an inevitable slippery slope. Once the public acquiesces to a ban or other sort of restriction, further bans are sure to follow. This was the fate of the smoking ban, which first limited cigarette smoking to outdoor areas, and has since escalated in countries like New Zealand to a permanent lifetime ban on any tobacco products for citizens born after 2009, regardless of age. This is an affront to economic freedom and consumer sovereignty.

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Enter Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault with his affront to sanity. This week, the enlightened minister announced that the Government of Canada would no longer be building any roads. For those who care to look, it is clear this is another slip on the slope to Guilbeault’s real desire for deindustrialization, the path to which he has now laid out for all Canadians to see.

Speaking to a conference on public transit Monday, Guilbeault told his audience that, “Our government has made the decision to stop investing in new road infrastructure. Of course, we will continue to be there for cities, provinces and territories to maintain the existing network, but there will be no more envelopes from the federal government to........

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