I am struggling to respond to my editor’s demand to share my yearend thoughts. After two days, the sun has come out of the clouds and the desk I’m writing on has brightened and warmed too. But the gloom within is denser.
The day of Christmas has passed. Images and videos of Hindus disrupting Christmas celebrations are on my timeline. Young Hindus dancing and singing bhajans in a frenzy in front of a church; goons stripping a delivery boy of his Santa dress; Hindu volunteers tearing, taking off Christmas posters from the walls of a school and terrorising children...
There are many more such. From different parts of India. A church in Meerut closing its doors to visitors, unsure who among them might enter with an intent to vandalise.
Our prime minister expresses grief over violence against Christians outside India, but his people know that it is permitted in India. Indians,........