How dare Donald Trump tell me what I should believe or how I should act as a Jew?

How dare he tell me this:

“Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion. They hate everything about Israel and they should be ashamed of themselves because Israel will be destroyed.”

So much is wrong and offensive with what Trump said on the radio show of his former aide, the right-wing provocateur, Sebastian Gorka.

Not only is this another instance of the former president judging the world by whether something does or doesn’t benefit him, labeling Jews like me as a part of some unthinking monolithic group is an example of a perspective at the root of all prejudice, including antisemitism. That’s stereotyping a religious, ethnic or racial group with broad simplistic strokes, instead of looking at us as individuals. That’s the same sort of stereotyping that led Trump to want to impose a ban on the immigration of Muslims.

So yes, I’ve voted for Democrats. I’ve also voted for Republicans.

For me, an essential part of being a Jew is thinking for myself. I learned that from my mother, a high school history teacher who raised me alone because my father died when I was a baby. She always encouraged discussions about the world around us and asked me to back up my opinions with facts.

I also learned that the Jewish state of Israel is inextricably linked to my Jewishness. And so is being able to criticize or support Israel — and sympathize with any people who are displaced or persecuted.

As far back as I can remember, my mother told me how vital it was that I feel my Jewishness. She told me something I soon learned for myself when I was called a “f…ing Jew” in grammar school: that some people hate us simply because we’re Jewish. My mother also explained how six million Jews — including relatives and family friends — were murdered during the Holocaust because they were Jewish.

For her and so many other Jews who lived during those dark years, the Jewish state of Israel, officially created a few years after the Holocaust, was an essential part of being Jewish.

I also learned that part of who we were as American Jews meant supporting anyone who was persecuted because of their religion, race or ethnicity.

I especially learned that from my mother's father, my grandpa. As a teenager in his native Russia at the turn of the 20th Century, he was exiled to Siberia for life for speaking out and protesting the murder and beatings of thousands of Jews like him.

After 11 months in the unthinkable cold and desolation, he escaped to America for its religious freedom and the right to speak up and vote for whomever he wanted.

He became a housepainter and union leader who fought for the rights of all people.

Unlike Trump, he never said a negative word about anyone based on their religion, race or ethnicity. He never even defined people in those terms.

And while he supported Israel and knew in his bones the persecution that Jews faced, he also expressed support for other displaced people, like the Palestinians.

So of course, I, a Jew, felt outraged and sickened when Hamas attacked Israel and savagely and barbarically murdered, raped and tortured innocent men, women and children and babies.

And of course, I, as a Jew, also feel outraged and sickened when I see Israel’s just retaliation result in the killing and starving of innocent Palestinians.

So how dare Donald Trump tell me, a Jew, what to believe or how to feel.

How dare he tell me I can’t support Israel and feel sympathy for innocent Palestinians. How dare he tell me that in this country where my persecuted Jewish grandpa came for freedom, I can’t vote for a Democrat like Senator Chuck Schumer who supports and sends weapons to Israel, yet feels an obligation as a Jew and American to criticize its leader.

How dare Donald Trump tell me and millions of other American Jews what we should believe and how we should act as Jews.

Steve Israel, a longtime editor and columnist at the Times Herald-Record in Orange County, New York, can be reached at

How dare Donald Trump tell Jews like me how to actSteve Israel 

How dare Donald Trump tell Jews like me how to actSteve Israel 

How dare Donald Trump tell me what I should believe or how I should act as a Jew?

How dare he tell me this:

“Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion. They hate everything about Israel and they should be ashamed of themselves because Israel will be destroyed.”

So much is wrong and offensive with what Trump said on the radio show of his former aide, the right-wing provocateur, Sebastian Gorka.

Not only is this another instance of the former president judging the world by whether something does or doesn’t benefit him, labeling Jews like me as a part of some unthinking monolithic group is an example of a perspective at the root of all prejudice, including antisemitism. That’s stereotyping a religious, ethnic or racial group with broad simplistic strokes, instead of looking at us as individuals. That’s the same sort of stereotyping that led Trump to want to impose a ban on the immigration of Muslims.

So yes, I’ve voted for Democrats. I’ve also voted for Republicans.

For me, an........
