Why are neither of the major parties talking about housing during this General Election?

23 May 2024, 15:34

By Connor Hand

Those who know me will be unsurprised by the following admission: I have never been a conventionally cool person.

Whether it’s my geeky insistence on correcting people’s math, antiquated fashion sense or reflexive quoting of Peep Show at any opportunity, I doubt I am anybody’s first choice when they think of personification of cool.

These unattractive qualities are all my own fault. Period.

However, there is a structural reason which has bolstered my uncool credentials - and it’s one that affects even genuinely popular people.

You see, I’m 27 years old and still live with my mum.

A couple of generations ago, I’m reliably informed, this would have rendered me a social outcast.

This idea isn’t just based on the agitated ramblings of relatives trying to put me down, either. It’s borne out in the statistics.
