Motherhood made me a selfish friend

I’ve become a bad friend and I don’t like it.

My natural instinct in the past few years was to try and get out of events and occasions with friends. Rather than making the effort for them, I preferred to work or spend time at home. Of course, it is natural to lose friends over the course of your lifetime, but people who I love and are very important to me have fallen down my priority list quite significantly.

As my life got busier with work and children, things changed. When I first became a mother I became more selfish with my time – the free time I did have was for my son, then work and then the rest of the family, followed lastly by friends. But now, I want to change that.

I am lucky to have a great group of friends. Many of them have been in my life since I was 12 and the majority live in Ireland. I enjoy having a separate friendship group to my husband. Don’t get me wrong, we share some too, but if we ever broke up I wouldn’t be handing over any of my lifelong friends.

They’re the kind of friends you may not talk to for weeks, yet it’s exactly the way it was when you last saw each other when........

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