Claudia’s triumph, the first woman to lead Mexico

Analysis. Sheinbaum has a broad mandate to continue the leftist transformation begun by Obrador. She will be able to do so by building on the sense of novelty that her figure embodies, starting with being the first woman at the helm of a country marred by machismo.

written by Daniele Nalbone

Topic Latin America

June 10, 2024

It was a completely expected triumph, after a campaign conducted with the certainty of winning, but also laboring under the need for a decisive victory to “wipe away the past for good.” All while having to manage a major and cumbersome presence, that of outgoing President Obrador, who as leader of Morena will have significant political control over the new government. Nevertheless, Claudia Sheinbaum’s victory is an enormous achievement, and not only because she will be the first woman president in Mexico’s history.

The first notable fact to emerge from the June 2 vote is obviously the incredible gap between Sheinbaum, leading the Sigamos Haciendo Historia coalition, and her opponents: the former Mexico City mayor garnered more than 58 percent of the vote, while the candidate of Fuerza y Corazón por México, which brought together Mexico’s historic parties – the National Action Party (PAN), the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) – only got 28 percent. Third was outsider Jorge Máynez of the Movimiento Ciudadano, with 10 percent of the vote. Such a wide gap meant that no one spoke of electoral fraud in this........

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