1. Benjamin Netanyahu is not a prisoner in the hands of Itamar Ben-Gvir, isn't afraid of him and doesn't depend on him. That's a common mistaken perception. Ben-Gvir has no other government, now or in the future. If he withdraws from the coalition, Gantz and Saar's factions would keep it intact and even Lapid said he'd be happy to fill his place. Netanyahu is implementing Ben-Gvir's policy because that's what he himself wants now. An all out, multi-front war, until the "absolute victory" that will never be achieved.

More Isolated and Unhinged Than Ever, Israel Is Becoming the North Korea of the Mideast

More Isolated and Unhinged Than Ever, Israel Is Becoming the North Korea of the Mideast

1. Benjamin Netanyahu is not a prisoner in the hands of Itamar Ben-Gvir, isn't afraid of him and doesn't depend on him. That's a........

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