"This Israel, the possessor of nuclear weapons and the most powerful warplanes in the region, I swear by Allah, is in fact weaker than a spider web." Thus spoke Hassan Nasrallah in his now famous spider web speech in 2000. The Hezbollah leader predicted that Israel would collapse from within due to the fragility of Israeli society. As Nasrallah saw it, we are a society of contentious and divided immigrants that lacks the necessary social cohesion to win regional wars. Israelis are too spoiled, too sensitive to the loss of life and aren't ready to fight and sacrifice their lives to defend their national interests.

A Lack of a Shared Vision Is the Source of the Israeli Public's Internal Collapse

A Lack of a Shared Vision Is the Source of the Israeli Public's Internal Collapse

"This Israel, the possessor of nuclear weapons and the most powerful warplanes in the region, I swear by Allah, is in fact weaker than a spider web." Thus........

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